What is a B2B? How is it different from a B2C?

The first time they told me about B2B and B2C I stayed like this

¿Qué son las siglas B2B y B2C?

Jan this article I want to explain what they are and why they determine what type of service you offer.

B2B, B2C or B2B2C

B2B means business to business. They are those businesses whose sale is aimed at companies. That is, companies that sell to companies. Either online, online or mixing both. An example of B2B is us, Witei: a CRM oriented to both physical and online businesses. Our goal is to help businesses manage all their information and offer them sales, marketing and customer service tools so that they can provide the best service and continue to grow. You can view more information here.

B2C stands for business to customer. They are the businesses whose final sale is directed to the consumer, to anyone who is not a company. An example of a B2C business is opticians.

B2B2C stands for business to business to customer. They are those businesses that focus on both companies and consumers. Examples of such businesses are: Apple that has a branch for both individuals and companies. Equal idealist or El Corte Inglés.

Main aspects in which a B2B and a B2C differ

Some of the main differences are:

  • B2B seek to achieve more efficiency in a business. A B2C is more oriented to entertainment, leisure, lifestyle.
  • B2B use more technicalities and more sophisticated language. A B2C uses simpler, everyday expressions to reach a greater number of people.
  • In B2B, closer and lasting relationships are sought, in a B2C this is not usually the case.
    When selling to a business, the decision chain is usually broader and takes longer. Therefore, the follow-up to other companies in a B2B is usually greater.

Is there a difference in the strategies they use?

Actually the means they have are the same:

Online strategies in which they can use: SEO, content creation (article, infographics, webinars, videos …) paid ads (SEM), social networks, email marketing

Offline strategies: advertisements on billboards, in conventional media such as television and radio, mailboxes, shop windows, cold calling …

But in the end it is based on two variants:

  • Know your target audience and know where they are. For example, if your audience is people between 18 and 24, you know that they are more on social networks and therefore you should invest more in that medium
  • Define a marketing and sales strategy and test what works best for each business. If it is true that every time the online presence is higher and more and more companies are focusing on this part. This article on how to scale an online business can help you implement new ideas.

Some information that interests you

  • In Spain, investment in digital marketing exceeds 1,708 million euros
  • Online investment grows by 9% compared to traditional media and investment in traditional media (television, radio, press, magazines …) is reduced by 1%
  • 38% is invested in television while 30% is already being invested in online media

What tools do they use?

If it is true that both a B2B and a B2C need to rely mainly on a CRM. With a CRM they get:

  • Simplify management processes: they have all the information on clients, products, documents, agenda, emails in one place and with quick access.
  • They find tools for their different teams: marketing with email marketing campaigns for example. For the sales team, custom funnels, and an incident manager for the customer service team
  • Analysis of the strategies. What is not measured cannot grow. By having all the information in a CRM, you can better analyze all the processes to continue improving day after day.